Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bitcoin: The Future of Money?

"The most surprising thing to me about Bitcoin is that I didn't realize how good it is. People are going to look back at Satoshi Nakamoto in the same way they look back at the man who invented the Internet." -- Dominic Frisby, author of “Bitcoin: The Future of Money?”

Episode 676

November 06, 2014 14:40
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In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how fools and their money are soon parted, whether shale oil investors losing $1.17 for every dollar gained or housing market participants who seek to help people onto the so-called “property ladder” and yet, by lowering standards, increase risk of total financial loss. In the second half Max interviews Dominic Frisby, author of “Bitcoin: The Future of Money?” about his book and the hunt for Satoshi.
  • james
    that is interesting how these oil men make money by drilling investors pocket books. That's how they make money using the financial markets. Just kill 1 of these crooks in your lifetime and you can consider yourself a success. Financial markets only enable the copy cats (Facebook, Google, Apple), crooks and the frauds to become extraordinarily wealthy, while the people who did the work (e.g. Nicola Tesla) die in poverty.
  • Someone should invent a new game and call it "Hyper Monopoly". The rules should consist of starting on "GO" rolling the dice; and arriving back on "GO" (with all the accompanying uuhs and aahs found in exuberance). No problem with financial icons to play.
  • wonderfully informative show as usual
  • Roland
    Interesting eps. I think I shall be buying the book!

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