Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nevada. The fly geyser has been growing over the years and has become a rare and beautiful sight, attracting people from all over.

A Farmer Was Drilling For Water When He Found Something That Shocked The Entire World. Seriously, WOW

In the early twentieth century, a farmer decided that he needed to improve the agriculture on his ranch in Nevada. He figured that a well needed to be dug to bring water and nutrients to the soil above. He lived in a barren desert and the water stored deep beneath the Earth’s surface would have provided a more sustainable crop for this harsh and dry area. He knew that a well with ample water was needed to supply bountiful crops. What he didn’t know was what was waiting for him deep below the soil. He began to dig a deep well when problems soon arose. After digging deep into the Earth searching for water, he found what he was looking for. The problem was that the water was incredibly hot, over 200 degrees in fact. Making it impossible to create a well at the time. He capped off his ventures and was forced to forget about supplying the area with a sustainable water source.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
A team came to the area with better drilling technology in 1964, in order to create a successful well. Their plans didn’t go as expected as the water was still too hot for them to deal with. The drilling operation was immediately suspended and abandoned. The team that came in 1964 didn’t cap their drilling ventures properly and they created a small geyser. Under extreme pressure and at extreme temperatures, gasses, water, minerals, and nutrients flooded to the surface. This small geyser has grown at an incredible rate creating something that nobody expected. It is not a typical geyser at all. This type of geyser is actually called a fly geyser and it pumps the nutrient rich water above ground where these nutrients and minerals have collected, creating a colorful mountain that continues to grow to this day.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
The fly geyser in Nevada started out as an attempt to create a well but the drillers got much more than they bargained for when they were faced with scalding hot water. After the operations were abandoned, a beautiful monument created by nature was formed and it has taken on a life of its own, continuously growing and changing. The mineral rich water has created a mountain of colorful formations that have stunned the world.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
Steaming hot water explodes out of the tops of these colorful pillars sticking out of the earth, in the middle of the desert in Nevada. The fly geyser has been growing over the years and has become a rare and beautiful sight, attracting people from all over. The mountain of minerals has created something quite magical other than the picturesque mound jutting out of the earth. The fly geyser in Nevada has created its own unique ecosystem in and around the water.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
In Mou We Trust
If you get close enough you’re able to see small fish swimming in the hot spring waters and many birds flying around feeding on the organisms that have come to call this magical fantasy land, home.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
The different nutrients, gasses, and minerals that are expelled from this fly geyser in Nevada react differently to the sun, as well as the oxygen in the air. This reaction creates some magnificent colors that are constantly changing. The longer this geyser flows, the more beautiful it becomes. Look out Yellowstone. It looks like you have some serious competition in Nevada.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
Lisa Stull
This beautiful fly geyser looks like it belongs in a Dr. Seuss book located in some magical fantasy land. It is quite real however, and it is located in the middle of a desert in Nevada. The last place someone would think something this astounding would exist. Because of the dry air and the hot sun, this fly geyser actually thrives and slowly but continuously grows larger each day.
While drilling for water a farmer accidentally created a fly geyser in Nevada.
While the desert does contain some of the most rural and natural beauty of the American landscape, I never would have thought of something this beautiful protruding from such a dry and dusty region. I have been to Yellowstone National Park and seen the geysers, including “Old Faithful”. I have swum in many hot springs and even some naturally formed craters. While all of these experiences have been memorable and breathtaking, I have never seen anything like this. I can’t imagine what it looks like in person and I think it just made my bucket list.
Click next to see more of this beautiful fly geyser

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