24 Carrot Millionhares: 10 Celebrities & Their Pet Rabbits
Save perhaps for Glen Close, few celebs have been immune to the cuddly charms of furry rabbits. Take, Hugh Hefner, for instance, who built an iconic media empire around their likeness. Ditto for Andy Warhol, who returned to the subject again and again in his work (Hop Art, anyone?). Likewise, comedians and actors as varied as Bob Hoskins, John Cleese, Michael Jordan, and Jake Gyllenhaal have all viewed the world through what The Bunnington Post has cleverly coined “the lagomorph lens.”
Some celebs, in fact, are so smitten they’ve brought bunnies into their family. To wit, the list below, which notes 10 such pairings.
- Paris Hilton owns not one but 20 bunnies that she saved from becoming snake food at a pet shelter. Whether she’s named the bunnies has not been confirmed, but suspected monikers include “BunBuns”, “Schnookums”, “Hot” and “Sexy”. (Suspected by us, that is.)
- Miley Sirus has been spotted toting a little rabbit, reportedly named Jack.
- Vocal animal rights advocate Bob Barker owns two bunnies, Mr. Rabbit and Honey Bunny, that he rescued from an animal shelter.
- Fellow animal rights activist and actress Ashley Judd keeps a bunny in her home along with two dogs, and a small herd of outdoor animals.
- “Home 4 the Holidays Pet Adoption Campaign” celebrity ambassador Hillary Swankhas also mentioned owning a long-eared friend.
- No celebrity bunny list would be complete without Amy Sedaris‘ rabbit Dusty. Sedaris loves her bunnies so much, she drafted them as costars in this adorable commercial for Microsoft.
- Musician Kate Nash‘s pet bunny Fluffy inspired her to stop eating meat. While Nash was suffering from OCD, she became convinced that if she continued to eat meat, her rabbit wouldn’t survive a dangerous upcoming operation.
- Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? Clint Eastwood and his wife feel pretty lucky to have their rabbit, shelter adoptee August, in their lives.
- Kirstie Alley didn’t just play a bunny in the 1985 movie ‘A Bunny’s Tale‘, she also allegedly owns one.
- 9-year-old Sienna Miller was the feisty owner of a troublemaking little rabbit. Shetold the press that during her years in boarding school, she mated her pet rabbit with that of a friends and ended up in big trouble. Her response: “At least we got a bunny out of it!”
Getting by with only the hare necessities…
(Image Source)
Hare you are…
In the studio, they’re all ears.
Did we miss anyone? Namecheck your favorite celebrity bunnies in the comment field below!
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