VIDEO: 'I Quit' Dance Sure Works For Millions

Marina Shifrin/YouTube
Dance break!
Take a couple minutes if you haven't seen it yet to watch young journalist Marina Shifrin's video resignation from the Taiwan-based animation company where she worked for about two years. (This may be obvious, but since it's set to a Kanye West song we need to say that there's a bad word or two.)
As of Wednesday morning the 5-day-old video had been watched about 8.3 million times.
Now, as happens, it's inspiring others — including Next Media Animation, the company Shifrin has said a funky goodbye to. Check out the staff's "we're hiring!" response.
Brenna Jennings/YouTube
Shifrin joins others who have famously fired themselves; including:
— JetBlue flight attendant Steve Slater, grabbed some beer, spewed some expletives and popped the emergency slide on his way out of a job.
— Greg Smith, the Goldman Sachs executive who flamed his firm in a New York Times op-ed.
Reuters rounded up some other notable resignations in this video.

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