UJesus Diaz
The daily schedules of the world's greatest geniuses

How did Beethoven, Mozart, Freud, Dickens, Darwin, Le Corbusier or Benjamin Franklin managed to be so productive and create some of the most important work in the history of art and science? Check out this great visualization by Info We Trust and find solace in the fact that some of them didn't actually work that much.
Then again, 99.99-percent of us don't have a tiny fraction of the talent of Ludwig or Wolfgang. [Thanks Omar!]
p.s. And then there's Hunter Thompson's routine:

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I wonder how consistent they were, day in and day out, with following these? I know that in my own life I wouldn't be able make a diagram like this at all, my schedule changes so frequently, depending on season, current projects, and because I have a work schedule that can easily change from week to week (also I suppose all of these people were more or less self employed, which might explain the structure a bit as well). Maybe age is also a factor? I am still in my twenties, so maybe I will see a schedule like this develop more as I get older? Or possibly it is just a product of our modern times?
Immanuel Kant was completely a man of routine. He never traveled further than 10 miles from his place of birth and the local residents would set their clocks by his afternoon walks which were at the exact same time every day.
That's crazy, honestly I can't even imagine having that much structure in my life.
It was a different time.
Damn, did any of you actually read my post? I ended it by ruminating that maybe it is less likely to find this kind of schedule now because times have changed so much. I was curious mostly to hear if there are people out there now who do keep such a strict daily schedule.
When I worked a steady job I did but I'm retired now so I do what I want when I want. When I was self employed as an actor my life wasn't structured at all.
Balzak kept pretty strange hours.
I think the surprising part is that he would take a mid... I guess day (it's so early, but he starts so early it's hard to tell) nap while presumably fueled by gallons of coffee. Unless he only starts on the coffee after his nap. How he didn't drop dead of a heart attack by 20 is beyond me.
I found the whole thing very interesting. Never saw anything like it before.
Funny how you spell Balzac as Balzak. Look 'balzak' up in a Dutch dictionary.
It's strange but I seem to have misplaced my Dutch dictionary. Why don't you tell us how it's spelled?
I wonder if Maya still keeps to that schedule, it is quite surprising she would only do her writing in the almost generic confines of a hotel/motel room.
I am sort of surprised that some form of activity wasn't commenced before most of these people's creative periods since I always found that that helps get the blood flowing so creative thought can flow. Alcohol works too, but it can be too short lived to work as a process.
There was a best-selling author who partied with friends on his own Pacific island until the money was running out. He would then rent a crummy room in a bad part of NYC and wouldn't leave until he finished another novel. Needless to say, he worked hard and fast just to get the hell out of there. Everybody seems to have their own way of doing it.
Stephen King's rapid pace and ability to turn sleepy New England towns made an internship at Jackson Lab (they so a lot of biomedical research stuff) feel way darker than it probably was. At any moment I expected to open a portal and have either a flock of langoliers or the creatures from the mist come pouring out.
Internetz to the rescue!
(This was kinda obvious though. Think "ball sac".)
balzak {noun} - scrotum
Oh, man. That's way to subtle for me. Thanks.
The problem with S.K.'s rapid pace was that you'd be barreling along at breakneck speed and have to stop and go back to check what you just read. It was as strange as his imagination.
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