Saturday, July 12, 2014

The word "Queue" has 4 unnecessary letters

top 200 commentsshow all 316
[–]casgemini 663 points 
I feel this word was made by competitive scrabble players
[–]FancyFoxFive 162 points 
Like Kat.
It means Cat.
[–]Toboggert 107 points 
qat pronounced cat meaning a shrub
[–]ImurderREALITY 51 points 
Qi pronounced chi and means ki.
[–]Kehndy12 19 points 
Source? It seems you got it backwards (that is, ki means chi).
  • Ki means "chi"
  • Qi is a "variant of chi"
  • Chi is...
    vital energy that is held to animate the body internally and is of central importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (as tai chi)
[–]Killercannon 25 points 
Wellp, you just had to open the floodgates of pedantry. He didn't have anything backwards.
Ki = Chi = Qi = Chi'i
They're all words with the same definition, there's no front or back. You can say Ch'i means Ki, Chi'i means Qi, Ch'i means Chi, Chi means Ki, Chi means Qi, Chi means Chi'i, Qi means Ki, Qi means Ch'i, Qi means Chi, Ki means Qi, Ki means Chi, and Ki means Chi'i.
[–]why_rob_y 22 points 
Wellp, you just had to open the floodgates of pedantry.
I think the founders of reddit beat him to the punch, there.
[–]Diarrhea_Van_Frank 30 points 
Like a dog but not.
[–]Circumstantial_Law 32 points 
Most accurate description of a cat I've ever heard
[–]Cow13Punk 2 points 
On the contrary--I've always described my relationship with cats as: Imagine the bitchiest ex-girlfriend you've ever had.
[–]michaelrohansmith 6 points 
And worse. I can't imagine a woman bitchy enough to urinate on my possessions while I am out of the house.
[–]Cow13Punk 3 points 
I'd be happy to introduce...
[–]Skitulz_da_Ninja 8 points 
Unless it's attached to the word Kit, then it mean delicious chocolate. That is unless I'm doing it wrong...
[–]IAmA_Lannister 12 points 
Kat Kit?
[–]FlatlinerG 4 points 
Break me off a piece of that Kat Kit bar
[–]Dent18 3 points 
Only Kat.
[–]TheMisterAce 1 point 
Kat is the Dutch word for Cat. So it is technically right.
[–]HaikuHighDude 32 points 
If you successfully play a word without it being challenged 5 times in a row, it goes in the dictionary.
[–]blendargh 14 points 
So that's why there's so much bullshit in there.
[–]JamoWRage 10 points 
Or the French. The everything is silent.
[–]BubbaBlack 3 points 
yeah i'm trying to teach myself french... the audio is so hard to get a grasp of the spelling. it's pretty much impossible for me to hear a word and know how to spell it if i haven't seen it before.
[–]finkalicious 3 points 
The Q is the only let

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