
Here's What It Looks Like When You Don't Wash Off Your Makeup For A Month
The Huffington Post | Posted: 09/16/2013 5:19 pm EDT
When one woman volunteered to see what would happen if she didn't wash the makeup off her face for a month, the results were pretty scary.
Watch The Doctors and dermatologist Dr. Annie Chiu explain some of the reasons why wearing makeup constantly might cause skin to age prematurely.
Next time you're feeling too lazy to wash your face before bed, you better think twice!
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52 minutes ago (12:45 AM)
I use Makeup remover then a moisturizer, I have done this since I turn 16 and I can tell you I'm wrinkle free :) But then again so was my Mom who passed on at 78 and had no wrinkles either!
58 minutes ago (12:39 AM)
I rinse my face off with warm water at night. I don't wear make-up, so there is nothing to scrub off. I have nice skin and it's due to genetics, high water intake, oily skin and using a light moisturizer & sunblock in the summer.
1 hour ago (12:22 AM)
I wash my face twice a day unless I go to the gym or do yard work. I use moisturizer and that is it. I don't wear any make-up other than lipstick. I wear sunscreen in the summer. I take my vitamins and drink lots of water. That's about all you need to do to have good skin.
I can't figure why you need to clog your pores with make-up or use Botox! I think people without all the product on their face are much more attractive and they seem to age more gracefully as well.
2 hours ago (11:43 PM)
So use these FIVE PRODUCTS plus BOTOX to undo what the other five or ten products we told you to use has done! Maddening.
Don't believe the hype.
2 hours ago (11:35 PM)
That's a nonsense ploy to get women to invest in skin care products. I have worn makeup since I was 15. I'm 51 now. I never wash it off. I usually just forget about it and go to bed. I sometimes wash my face when I get up and always when I shower but my skin is sensitive so I honestly don't wash it that much unless I've been working up a sweat. I think washing it a lot is worse for it than most makeups. It strips off the natural oils that exist to protect the skin.
2 hours ago (11:56 PM)
I agree 100%. Also, anything that will "prematurely age" the skin, doesn't belong on it in the first place, day or night.
2 hours ago (11:34 PM)
Wait to you see what happens when you don't remove the botox after a few years... Pictures to follow... Stay tuned...
2 hours ago (11:20 PM)
When this website first started I rushed over here because I was so happy for a new opinion. Then it started to look like yahoo main page. That's all right though, I'm slowly getting the message.
2 hours ago (11:14 PM)
If don't wash your face for one month, you will look pretty ugly even without makeup.
3 hours ago (11:03 PM)
I am looking forward to the day when makeup is considered vanity and not necessity.
3 hours ago (11:01 PM)
Um just a silly question, but WHY WOULDN'T YOU WASH YOUR FACE FOR A MONTH????Would you also go without wiping your behind for two weeks?
Gross, gross, gross!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 hours ago (11:10 PM)
That was very very funny
3 hours ago (11:01 PM)
How about not putting make-up or perfumes on your skin in the first place? Funny how no one talks about THAT. People are SO ignorant its not even funny. Pretty much ALL commercial beauty care products are bad for the health of your skin AND your body; whether that be make-up, perfume, shampoo, soap, facial cleansers, acne medication, lipstick, skin toners, beauty creams, toothpaste, laundry detergent, etc etc. Regardless of how natural they say they are, commercial beauty products pretty much ALL have some sh t that is detrimental to your health. People are SO ignorant!
3 hours ago (11:01 PM)
Aren't we getting bored already with the constant stream of lame, obvious advice about "taking care of our skin"? Aren't we tired already of the media that talk incessantly about keeping our skin looking young forever, as if that's the most important, critical thing in the world? "Premature aging" is like the bogey man these days. I mean, yeah, I wash my face (though I only ever wear mascara and lipstick), and I wear sunscreen, and I use creams, and my skin looks great, but really, that's not all *that* important, and I'm getting bored of talking or thinking about this. It's common sense, be nice to your skin as you are to your whole body hopefully, and beyond that, just live your life, be as happy as you can, free of obsessing over makeup and creams and premature aging.
3 hours ago (10:50 PM)
The photographic evidence looked a little bogus. She just looked like she had irritated skin. I look that way when I eat strawberries.