The sequoia redwood trees located in California, are some of the biggest trees in the world. The General Sherman is, in fact, noted as THE largest known living single stem tree on Earth! It is 275 ft tall, 25 feet in diameter, and is approximately 2,500 years old.
Something that huge must have an incredible root system that goes down deep in order to stand that tall. Not the case at all. The sequoia redwood trees have a unique root system that is a marvel, compared to their mammoth size.
Their roots are relatively shallow. There is no tap root to anchor them deep into the earth. The roots actually only go down 6-12 feet, and yet, these trees rarely fall over. They withstand strong winds, earthquakes, fires, storms, and prolonged flooding. How can something up to 500 tons, reaching over 350 feet in height, and live for many centuries remain standing with roots only going down about 10 feet?
The interesting thing about the redwood tree is that their root system is intertwined with the other redwood trees, literally holding each other up. The trees grow very close together and are dependent on each other for nutrients, as well. Only redwoods have the strength and ability to support other redwoods.
So, beneath the surface of these humongous, tall, statuesque trees are roots like a army of men who have their arms interlocked, standing and supporting each other. They are preventing the adversaries of life from knocking each other down. They are also making sure there is plenty of nutrients for growth to continue.
The John Maxwell Team is a lot like the redwood tree. As a founding member, I have seen the growth become phenomenal. This team has only been around for a little over 2 years, yet we already have over 3000 members in over 90 countries. These people are teaching, coaching, and speaking about leadership and personal development. They are making an impact on people that need, want, and hunger to be better and to make our world a better place.
How can a company so young be making such a huge impact? The root system. We are intertwined and interconnected, supportive, dependent, yet interdependent as team mates. Interlocking with each other and holding each other up.
If one team member has a “Failing Forward” moment, the team is supportive and helping them find the ‘learn’ in the process. We all know that “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn”.
The camaraderie from this team is even more amazing then the redwood root system. They encourage when there is a loss and celebrate when there is a win.
Unlike the redwood tree which is only in certain parts of the world, the John Maxwell Team is worldwide. A powerful team with a powerful interlocking system making a powerful difference.
About the Author

She provides leadership development workshops, seminars, keynotes and coaching to organizations and individuals.
Contact Susan at :
Posted in Articles
3 comments on “What kind of root system do you have?”
- Susan, this is an excellent post. As a founding partner on JMT, I full out agree on every word you have so eloquently written here.
- What an excellent description of the John Maxwell Team, Susan!!