Sunday, October 12, 2014

Earth in True Perspective

Everything is relative. You don't need to be Einstein to understand that. A human is as big to an ant as a building may be to him. However, the world always seems such a huge place; so many countries, cities, forests, oceans, lakes, icebergs. So many animals and species. So much history.
But ever since we developed the ability to look beyond our atmosphere, it became more and more apparent that our blue marble is tiny. Too tiny to even comprehend, when compared to other planets, stars, galaxies and the universe itself. So just to give you an idea of how tiny we really are here on planet earth, here are some visual aids.
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
size of earth
Want to see more? Try our FROM ATOM TO UNIVERSE post, where you can move from atom size to universe size, and see all the sizes in-between!
 Frederick T.

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Tags: sciencespacesizeastronomyEarth

Comments: 363



Too tiny to even comprehend, when compared to other planets, stars, galaxies and the universe itself. So their message is humans are worthless. Why don't they show things smaller then we are it goes..READ MORE
James Briggs|Reply


and yet they still can't find the 10 dollars I lost last month
gobie desert|Reply


WOW, this is truly amazing!


amazing right


Uranus looks seriously big. (don't read this one out loud when your wife is around)


What I always notice in pictures of the earth, from space......there are NO BORDERS, NO INVISIBLE LINES BETWEEN it should be.

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