Job hunting is hard work. You need all the help you can get to keep up-to-date with not just vacancies, but activity within the industry you're looking.
LinkedIn is an amazing resource for job hunting, but you can't spend all day on the site. That's where IFTTT ("If this, then that") comes in. The digital productivity service offers useful, time-saving "recipes" for anyone using LinkedIn in their quest for a new role. Activate a recipe and a bot will take over crucial parts of your search.
SEE ALSO: 11 Top IFTTT Recipes to Activate Now
Take a look at the recipes we're highlighting below. If you've created or added a relevant alternative, share it with us.
This is a great idea for any iOS-toting job hunters using LinkedIn to try and find their next position. Make sure you follow all companies you're potentially interested in on LinkedIn — don't be shy, you can follow up to 1,000. If you haven't set this up, to follow a company, simply head to its company page and hit the "Follow" button. Make sure you have the LinkedIn and iOS Reminders channels activated on IFTTT, then add this recipe to get new job openings at companies you're interested in straight to your Reminders app.
If your job search is more of a casual, ongoing one, or you just like to be kept abreast of opportunities, this recipe is ideal. Every Monday morning you'll get a "digest" email listing all the job openings posted by any companies you follow on LinkedIn.
If you activate the Google Drive channel and set up a spreadsheet, this cunning recipe will automatically update your spreadsheet with LinkedIn's "Jobs You May Be Interested In" suggestions. You can get these suggestions emailed to you directly on a daily or weekly basis, but some may find it more useful to have them gathered in one place. To make sure you're getting the correct job suggestions on LinkedIn, click "Jobs" at the top of your homepage. From the Jobs page, click the icons at the top-right of the "jobs you may be interested in" box and follow the prompts to set up your preferences for location, company size and industry.
The old maxim "it's not what you know, it's who you know" still holds strong today. Connections can be just as important in finding your ideal new position as the perfect resume. This recipe will alert you, via email, when one of your LinkedIn connections gets a new job. Apart from the obvious opportunity to reach out and congratulate your contact, you can also find out where they've moved to and check out any potential openings at their new company.
LinkedIn says that applicants who apply to job opportunities on the first day they're posted are 10% more likely to land the job. Any advantage in today's competitive job market is a good way to go, so this recipe is essential for iOS users who want to respond quickly to fresh job openings. Once you've activated the iOS Notifications channel, you'll get a pop-up alert on your phone when companies you follow post new jobs.
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