Racism in general should never be taken lightly; however, accidental racism is actually a thing. It's those moments where something or someone is completely and unintentionally racist that it becomes humorous. I am guilty of accidental racism and it was completely unintentional. I was bartending one night at the local bar and since you don't know me, I need to tell you that I tend to make voices or say things weirdly when I feel the urge to for no reason at all. As I was rushing to pour someone a drink, I didn't even fully process the person I was serving a drink to (he was Asian), and as I handed it to him, I blurted out "that's five dolla, please!" in what came out as a stereotypical Asian accent when I had no intention of making it sound like that in any way. I turned bright red when I realized what it sounded like and who I said it to and rushed to the cash to get his change. FML.

# Moments Of Completely Accidental Racism 0
via Reaction Gifs

Here are some moments that make me feel better about my accidental racism and will make you laugh hysterically:

1. Well, that's awkward.

# Moments Of Completely Accidental Racism 2
via imgur | reddit /u/ iklegemma

2. This is like the beginning of an interesting prison film.

# Moments Of Completely Accidental Racism 4
via imgur | reddit /u/ Needs_more_ranch

3. Racist camera is racist.

# Moments Of Completely Accidental Racism 6
via flickr / @jozjozjoz

4. "Black Friday shoppers" would've avoided a lot of awkward silences.

# Moments Of Completely Accidental Racism 8
via Pleated-Jeans