Thursday, April 2, 2015

top 200 commentsshow 500
[–]Gabriel688 2033 points  
I can't speak for everyone, but I usually go to the comments and let them tell me what to believe before I accept it as fact.
[–]SymphonicStorm 1099 points  
I trust other redditors to read articles for me and then tell me why they're shit. Especially on TIL. It saves time.
[–]mattcoady 453 points  
Or Life Protip. Go to the comments and read the top rated one for the actual LPT
[–]wheeda94 265 points  
This was once a LPT. Good work.
[–]IByrdl 54 points  
[–]dross85 35 points  
Thrice* ??
[–]gyhjams1 33 points  
I believe you mean Quice?
We don't use the Latin "quad" here, it's Greek.
[–]Jawsh305 8 points  
That band was.... unique.
[–]Roadbull 7 points  
Three times the laaaady.
[–]throwawayfrex 4 points  
Thanks for the tips
That you've given me
The memories are all in my mind
And now that we've come
To the end of our rainbow
There's something
I must say out loud
You're once, twice
Three times a life-pro-tip
Yes you're once, twice
Three times a life-pro-tip
[–]uncle_jew 2 points  
Quice a queer, you'll always be there Something smells, must be in the air Like my sheets, always bare Look it's four, oooh baby I like it rawwww You dirty whawwww - this ends in a drawww
[–]dontwonder 53 points  
Actually it's the second comment that's usually most applicable. I find that the circle jerk crowd usually dominates the top.
[–]zacree 97 points  
Top comment is a pun, second highest is a relevant useful story and third highest is something sexual.
[–]dontwonder 14 points  
This is exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you.
[–]sworeiwouldntjoin 4 points  
This is exactly what I was trying came here to to say.
The fourth comment in any given thread.
[–]Only_A_Username 4 points  
Its actually scary how true this is.
[–]nomnamless 19 points  
After reading the tittle I always check the top comment to find out what my opinion is on the article
[–]caagr98 3 points  
Isn't the tittle the dot above the letters i and j?
[–]dkyguy1995 34 points  
And if no one is pointing out specific problems with it then it's time for me to get my hands dirty. Always look for a reason articles are wrong, exploit every weakness or logical flaw, it's the scientific way!
[–]HD_ERR0R 8 points  
You're doing the lords work.
[–]FlameSpartan 7 points  
Wasted a bunch of weeks reading both articles and comments before I figured out that the general Reddit populace is smarter than the average reporter
[–]Redditisshittynow 6 points  
So... you just believe whoever has the most popular comment regardless if its true or not?
[–]bigBadBoomerang 2 points  
Do you know that reddit is visited by a lot of special interest groups? Corporations, governments, and the like. Marketing firms are hired to manipulate reddit posts and comments. It's been shown, time and time again, that heavily upvoted comments get more upvotes and heavily downvoted comments get more downvotes. You should never trust a reddit post or a comment.
[–]coug117 4 points  
I can't even begin to tell you how bad of an idea that is
[–]waeva 52 points  
I can speak for everyone. AMA.
[–]enragedtortoise 16 points  
Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why can't people be interrigent, rike me?
[–]TheBeatAlls 8 points  
Until then I'll be so ronery / So ronery / So ronery and sadrry arone
[–]supmyman7 5 points  
Should I get Gang Beasts now or wait for more updates?
[–]Hiphoppington 2 points  
It does look pretty tight. I need reddit to confirm my bias on this please.
[–]DonnieStarbuck 7 points  
Most underrated thread I have seen in the past 10 minutes.
[–]BellaLovesNutella 4 points  
It's a foolproof plan.
[–]Terrible_With_Puns 2 points  
At first I was thinking this but I came here and read this so I knew what to believe.
[–]NugRats 796 points  
"The economy has stabilized and is headed in a positive direction? UGH, I hate April Fools day"
[–]epicblob 151 points  
Isn't this somewhat a true statement?
[–]sdflack 245 points  
Nice, almost got me with that one.

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