Entrepreneur John Paul DeJoria is the co-founder of Paul Mitchellhair products and Patrón tequila.
I love waking up in the morning.
Doesn’t matter where I’m at, which home I’m in, or what hotel room I’m visiting. The very second I wake up, I stay in bed for about five minutes and just be.
I don’t think about my schedule, agendas, or phone calls I need to make. I simply open my eyes and let myself be completely and truly present.
I try not to think of all the outside noise, the thoughts in my head, or the time I don’t have to do many other things.
I do, at times, reflect on what I have in life and for what I am grateful. I also take the time to think of my family’s wellbeing.
Once I take these five minutes of just being present, then I enjoy making a cup of coffee or a cappuccino. That’s how I like to start my day.
For the most part, I can’t tell you how important it is to take those first five minutes and be thankful for life.
I’m a person who loves what I do, who I do it for, and who I am doing it with. It’s important that my level of energy is at its best when I’m working with my team at each of my companies. Be enthusiastic!
I start my day by talking to my assistants here in Austin and my executive assistant, Mayra-Alejandra Garcia, at our Paul Mitchell headquarters in Los Angeles.
This is how I start my day, no matter where I am in the world. I take a look at my agenda and calendars. I take care of the most important calls first thing in the morning and respond to anything that’s urgent. I have a notebook where I write all my notes and important numbers for my reference.
I do not do email, never have and never will. I do not use a computer, nor do I text anyone. If I need to get a hold of you, I simply pick up the phone and call, or I will work via fax.
I know, I’ve been told I’m a bit old school, but it all gets done just the way I need it to. It allows me to focus on the most important things that need my attention.
My favorite quote is, “Pay attention to the vital few and ignore the trivial many.” Having a strong team allows me to do just that.
In order to delegate effectively and use time wisely, you must have fewer moving parts. Have a team that is capable of doing more. Today is not like yesterday; it’s important to wake up early and just do it. Get it all done.
Another quote I’m always saying is, “Successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people do not want to do.” I work every single day and I love what I do. It’s part of my lifestyle. It’s part of my day-to-day routine and it’s a good one.
Most importantly, have fun. Everyone wants to have fun. And when you’re having fun, the day gets easier.
The Success Series is a collection of the best advice from some of our favorite writers, thinkers, and leaders. This week, we asked: "What is your morning routine?" See other articles in the series here.