This map is covered in dots. In fact, there are 308,745,538 of the little things—each one representing a single individual living in the US, and its color indicating ethnicity.
Sure, sorta similar maps have existed before, but none this detailed. Created by Dustin Cable, a demographer at the University of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, it's based on the publicly available 2010 census and colors by ethnicity. He explains:
This map is an American snapshot; it provides an accessible visualization of geographic distribution, population density, and racial diversity of the American people in every neighborhood in the entire country. The map displays 308,745,538 dots, one for each person residing in the United States at the location they were counted during the 2010 Census. Each dot is color-coded by the individual's race and ethnicity. The map is presented in both black and white and full color versions. In the color version, each dot is color-coded by race.
If this image isn't enough for you, then you can go explore a fully zoomable version here. [Dustin Cable via Flowing Data]
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