John Hunter: "World Peace And Other 4th-Grade Achievements"
Monday, July 29, 2013 - 11:06 a.m.
Students play the World Peace Game.
© Will May
In 1978, John Hunter was a young teacher looking to make social studies relevant to inner-city kids. What he came up with: a four-by-four piece of plywood on which students attempted to solve the problems of Africa. Over time, this board became multidimensional, growing to encompass nations, prime ministers, the U.N. and the World Bank. The goal is to solve geo-political problems with the least amount of military intervention. And for Hunter, it’s come to represent a philosophy of education. John Hunter joins Diane to talk about “The World Peace Game” and three decades of teaching.
John Hunter
teacher, educational consultant and author of "World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements."
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Movie Trailer: "World Peace And Other 4th-Grade Achievements"
TED Talk: John Hunter On Teaching With The World Peace Game
Read An Excerpt
Excerpted from WORLD PEACE AND OTHER 4th-GRADE ACHIEVEMENTS by John Hunter. Copyright © 2013 by John Hunter. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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I first met Mr Hunter online as a TED speaker and later as an education coordinator for Robert Shetterly's portrait series, Americans Who Tell the Truth and I have felt profound gratitude for his approach. IN a system bogged down in testing and what is measured in very narrow ways, he is a beacon for those of us out in the trenches still trying to work with "vastness" and tools 'that might save us all." I love him for his "naive" hope that this can still happen. I could go on and on ... I am so excited he has reached this level of attention because I know that he stands for our children and their right to also experience the "vastness" he speaks of - for their right to have the "joy" he speaks of and so on. Thank you for having him on today and sharing his work with an even broader audience. Perhaps those in positions of power will at last hear this message.