Saturday, February 7, 2015

Best Methods to Build Rapport - Anthony Robbins

Great tips.

Don't ask questions.
Find commonalities.
Words don't always work.
Matching and mirroring.
Milton Erickson. Psychologist. Best ever lived.
Conscious and subconscious.
Subconscious is much more powerful.
People in rapport mirror each other.

People like people who are like themselves.
Or how they would like to be.

He goes right to the jugular.
He talks like the other. Imitates.
Loud? He talks loud.
Quiet? Then he talks quietly.

Lean, tap, in same direction.

Most people wait until words are in common first.
But words are only 7%.

Style is more important than substance... initially.

Tone, speed, volume... we judge people by voice.

Vocabulary. Terminology. Mirror words. Fantastic != great

Mirror posture. Gestures.

Pacing and leading.

Women's periods get in sync after being together.

Eye contact - if they look away, you look away.
If they look at you, you look at them.

Breathing at same pace. You will feel what they feel.

Sexual therapy - breathe together while making love.

Proximity. How close are they to you? Comfort zone.

If they get close to you and you step back, you break rapport.

Touch. Great for rapport. But need to calibrate.

If he taps on shoulder, tap him back.

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