Quick, what's the first answer that pops into your head: Does your current job energize you, drain you, or make you feel nothing at all?
If you feel one of the latter two, it may be time to pursue something else.
Of course, not every job is going to be your dream job, and sometimes sticking it out in a less-than-desirable position could be necessary to rise up the corporate ladder.
But after time, some jobs may not be worth the effort you're putting in or the negative effects on your health and well-being.
How do you know when to call it quits? Here are 13 signs it may be time to move on.
1. You're no longer learning.
If you continue to refine your skills at work but are bored because you've stopped picking up anything new, you may have hit a wall at your job.
2. The passion is gone.
Sherry Lansing tells the Wall Street Journal that she truly enjoyed much of her time as CEO of Paramount Pictures' Motion Picture Group, but the role started to become rote after years passed. She eventually decided to leave to start a foundation.
"You have done it and you know how to do it, and that's comforting. But if you repeat yourself, the highs aren't as high and the lows aren't as low, and you start to lose that passion," she says.
3. Your skills aren't being tapped.
If you've realized that you're overqualified for your job, then it's worth seeing if there's an opportunity for growth within your company. If there's no path forward, it could be time to look elsewhere.
4. You hate the work.
Some jobs are stepping stones to your dream job and require dealing with some unpleasant tasks; others are just bad fits. A good way to differentiate between the two is to look at your manager's boss — if you'd be happy with that job, then you're on the right track.
5. You don't fit into your company's culture.
Being an employee means being part of a team, and if you still feel like an outcast at your company after six months or so, then you should probably find a work environment better suited to your personality and values.
6. You have a terrible boss.
A bad boss can be a bully, arrogant, and a poor team manager. If his or her shortcomings are affecting your productivity and happiness, it might not be worth putting up with.
7. Your company is in a downward spiral.
If your company is in a difficult financial period, or an upcoming merger or acquisition threatens your department, there's no reason to go down with a sinking ship.
8. Your health is affected by stress and anxiety.
If your unhappiness at work is being manifested in excruciating body aches, anxiety attacks, or a general state of melancholy, it's time to consider new job options.
9. Your personal relationships are suffering because of your job.
Putting in long hours can be rewarding, but when they cause you to drift from family and friends, you may want to question the costs.
10. The way up the ladder isn't appealing.
Imagine life at your company five years from now after a couple of promotions — are you happy? Does your boss' position seem like something you would enjoy doing?
If there's no role above you in your company that you're shooting for, you should be open to different job opportunities that may arise.
11. Your duties have increased but your pay hasn't.
Sometimes an increase in work without a pay raise is due to downsizing, and sometimes it's just management taking advantage of you. Either way, it might be time to pursue options that compensate you fairly.
12. You wake up dreading the day.
If you wake up each morning to an overwhelming sense of dread, try to pinpoint the reason and address it with your employer. And if you ultimately find that there's no way to escape misery at your job, then life is just too short — it's time to go.
13. You're yearning for something else.
You may love every aspect of your job, but you're advanced in your career and you no longer have a seemingly unlimited window of opportunity to try new things.
In a recent interview, comedian Jon Stewart tells NPR's Terry Gross that he's been wrestling with this. He still thrives at "The Daily Show," but he's been at it for 15 years and knows that one day he'll have to call it quits. For now, his experience writing and directing his first film "Rosewater" has satisfied his desire for something new, though eventually he'll need to switch things up.
SEE ALSO: The 10 Best Jobs For 2015
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Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/when-to-quit-your-job-2014-11#ixzz3K5lK1SAl