“My dog thought I was a singer… because dogs don’t understand standup comedy.”-Margaret Cho [20:40]
[Housekeeping update: The demand for my $5K Holiday Megabox exceeded expectations, so I'm opening up a few more slots. First come, first served, and deadline is 11:59pm PT today, November 11, 2014. Click here for more details.]
Margaret Cho is a polymath.
She is an internationally acclaimed comic, actress, author, fashion designer and singer-songwriter. Perhaps you’ve seen her on the big screen, or in TV series such as Sex and the City and 30 Rock.
But well before she was on Dancing with the Stars (yes, she’s done that, too), she decided on her comedy career… at the tender age of eight. The stage has been her constant companion ever since.
In this episode we delve into her comic influences and approaches, bisexuality, slow-carb adventures, and much more. Please indulge me as we dig deep into the lesser-known tricks of the Slow-Carb Diet. Margaret had a lot of detailed questions (she’s followed it for ~3 months), and the answers might help accelerate your own fat loss. (If you want more, here are several case studies — with pics — who’ve lost 100+ pounds.)
- Listen to it on iTunes.
- Stream by clicking here.
- Download it as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”.
This podcast is brought to you by 99Designs, the world’s largest marketplace of graphic designers. Did you know I used 99Designs to rapid prototype the cover for The 4-Hour Body? Here are some of the impressive results.
This episode is also brought to you by ExOfficio, which I’ve personally used since 2005 or so. They make ultra-lightweight, quick drying, antimicrobial clothing for men and women. Here’s my own ultra-light packing list (scroll down for video), which went viral.
QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What’s your favorite curse word — or phrase — and why? Please click here to let me know in the comments.
Scroll below for links and show notes…
Who should I interview next? Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments.
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Selected Links from the Episode
- Explore Margaret Cho’s Writing:
- Overeaters Anonymous and HOW for those struggling with food cravings
- How to Be a Movie Star by William J. Mann
- Connect with Margaret Cho: Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram
Show Notes
- What compels Margaret to perform stand-up comedy [3:30]
- The early years of Margaret’s comedy career [4:50]
- On the appeal of Joan Rivers and her immense gratitude [8:50]
- Fearlessness and Margaret’s most fearful on-stage moments [11:30]
- How to deal with hecklers [15:45]
- Margaret’s inspirations [19:30]
- Revealing intimate traits on stage and thoughts on female bisexuality [23:00]
- The challenges of the isolated comedian lifestyle, and the potential for drug addiction [30:00]
- Personality traits for those who gravitate towards stimulants vs. depressants [33:00]
- The catalyzing moment when Margaret decided her prescription pill addiction needed to be fought [34:45]
- Margaret Cho’s process for creating new material [40:30]
- Why to hone an act (or product) internationally before bringing it to the USA – Note: Nike does this. [42:30]
- “Successful” — who comes to mind? Does Margaret self-identify as successful? [48:00]
- Clarifications on the Slow-Carb Diet and cheat day [50:30]
- Hunger and human resilience [58:30]
- Her death-row meal and why it’s changed since starting the SCD [1:10:30]
- Margaret’s favorite curse word [1:11:45]
- Stand-up pre-game rituals [1:13:45]
- On Hollywood success and the types who aren’t tortured by it [1:16:10]
- What attributes Dave Grohl exhibits, and why drummers tend to be positive people [1:17:30]
People Mentioned
Posted on: November 10, 2014.
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Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration)
Yours ross #timtimtalktalk
My favorite curse phrase is “Thunder Cunt” since it conveys so much power. You are such a cunt that your are a thunder cunt. Also, I have never been able to use it with a straight face.
Love thst word Thanks for your GREAT interviews!! Don’t know how you do it…..PKK
Try it! [jaevlar]
I followed the slow-carb, specifically “losing the last mile”, and the standard version, but I acquired Hypervitaminosis A.
It was probably due to overusing Cod liver oil. (Not as recommended by the 4HB)
You’re extremely keen at biochemistry and thought you might have an idea.
Other suggestions for guests: Hugh Jackman. Naval Ravikant. Nassim Taleb. Matt Mullenweg!!!!
Maybe someone in animation?
Favorite Curse Phrase: “Suck a bag of dicks”. The reason seems appropriate for this episode. Louis CK, genius comedian, has permanently scarred my brain with hilarious images of what such an ambiguous proposal suggests. It also is just fun to say… Louis CK’s bit on the phrase can be found here: